By Shari Haber
February 14, 2022
Welcome to the MGG blog. These postings are my way of making the otherwise somber discussion about death and dying a bit lighter, and hopefully more accessible. Whether due to the Baby Boomer generation aging, growing sensitivity to the financial and environmental costs of standard funeral practices, or because we lost more than 900,000 Americans to a global pandemic, death is trending. And as this formally taboo topic assaults us with jarring frequency and seeps into our collective conscious, death also is being reimagined. Modern advancements are disrupting the funeral industry and offering a dizzying array of new alternatives, like aquamation (water cremation) and natural organic reduction (human composting), while we also embrace some methods from earlier times, like home funerals and natural burial. Today we’re thinking outside the box, and choosing options for our Goodbye that reflect our unique spirit and the way we live our lives. There’s a lot to consider, and reconsider, before you can make choices and advance plan your Goodbye. Deal with it, don’t dwell on it. Being prepared will give you great comfort and motivate you to approach life with greater purpose, joy and gratitude. My Great Goodbye is here to help you. I also invite you to email me with your thoughts, reactions or comments to potentially share with a larger audience, so we can support each other in facing the reality of our mortality and moving forward. ~ Shari