Finally, a “better death” is becoming integral
to the idea of a “well life.”
- 2019 Wellness Trends, from Global Wellness Summit
Ideas about what constitutes a ‘good death’ may vary. But we all can agree about what it doesn’t look like: Dying with unwanted or insufficient medical interventions, relationship regrets or without loved ones at our side, lack of end of life and/or funeral planning, and other unfinished business and bucket lists, all making our final moments more painful than peaceful.
When we face the reality of our mortality we can prepare mentally and otherwise so we “die well,” in accordance with what we deem most important.
Preparation and advance planning also injects some predictability into the unpredictability of death, setting us up to transition with more inner calm and to be more present with loved ones during our dying days.
Let My Great Goodbye help you prepare. Our documents and decisions audit will enable you to fill any gaps in your Goodbye file to be at the ready, freeing you to focus on making each day ahead count, and more joyful.